We are just getting started, will you join us?
Are you tired of the politics in the country being controlled by the extremes on both sides?
Are you feeling like there is no space for people in the political middle to be heard?
Do you want to help do something to change where the country is and where it seems to be heading?
This is a site dedicated to an idea for a new type of political organization in the United States and perhaps elsewhere. The goal of this new organization is not to advocate for specific policies but to support groups and individuals who are interested in being reasonable and not extreme. We hope to help elect moderates who might not otherwise be able to survive a primary. We hope to encourage both of the currently dominant political parties to moderate their positions and come back to the middle. We believe that most Americans are moderates on most issues and that the things we agree on and believe in together are far more important and substantial than our areas of disagreement.
We will not always agree with each other's positions on issues. We may find the political position of someone to be flat-out wrong in our opinions. That is ok, so long as we can be reasonable about our disagreements. Of course, this will be a bit of a moving target and will be challenging to define at times. We have faith that we can overcome these challenges together.
This organization is just getting started and we hope you will join us in building up the group into a real entity.
We need help from volunteers who are willing to give their time in areas of
-Web Design
-Social Media
-Event Planning and Management
-And many more
If you are interested please email us at StevenC@moderateamericans.org